Zip 47620 (Mount Vernon, IN) Housing

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United States / Indiana / Evansville Metro Area / Posey County / No City / Mount Vernon (zip 47620)
The housing market in 47620 Mount Vernon, IN is faring especially well compared to the national average. The median value of housing in this area is $183,100 whereas the US house median value is $338,100. This difference in median value makes it an attractive place to purchase a home. In addition to this, the 1 year house appreciation rate in this area is 16.17%, which is more than double the US 1 year house appreciation rate of 8.27%. With such a strong housing market and growing appreciation rate, now may be a great time for potential buyers to make an investment in the 47620 Mount Vernon, IN real estate market.

The median home cost in Mount Vernon (zip 47620) is $183,100. Home appreciation the last 10 years has been 71.9%. Home Appreciation in Mount Vernon (zip 47620) is up 16.1%.

Average Age of Homes
- The median age of Mount Vernon (zip 47620) real estate is 46 years old
The Rental Market in Mount Vernon (zip 47620)
- Renters make up 17.8% of the Mount Vernon (zip 47620) population
- 1.5% of houses and apartments in Mount Vernon (zip 47620), are available to rent

Buying a home is the biggest single purchase most people make during their lives. The second largest is most often an automobile.

Median Monthly Rent by Number of Bedrooms

   Housing by Year Built

  HousingMount Vernon, IndianaUnited States
  Vacant Housing
  Value of Owner-Occupied Housing
  Housing Units by Year Structure Built